There are two types of non-global zones: one is a sparse root zone and other is a whole root zone. 一共有两种类型的non-globalzones:一种是稀疏根区域(sparserootzone),一种是完全根区域(wholerootzone)。
By providing a root zone file, you can let your DNS server query the root Internet servers for information about other hosts on the internet. 通过提供根区域文件,您可以让DNS服务器查询根Internet服务器中关于Internet上的其他主机的信息。
The sparse root zone ( which has the inherit-pkg-dir resource) optimizes object sharing and consists of a root file system that only partially consists of data copied to it from packages and files. 稀疏根区域(它具有inherit-pkg-dir资源)可以优化对象共享,并由一个root文件系统(其中仅有部分内容是从数据包和文件复制而来的)组成。
Feeding behaviour of S.furcifera on TN1 plants treated at the root zone was also investigated using an electronic device. 白背飞虱在用呋喃丹处理过TN1根部的稻株上的取食行为也采用一种电子装置进行了监测。
Effects of Partial Root Zone Irrigation on Photosynthesis Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Strawberry 分根灌溉对草莓光合特性及水分利用效率的影响
Effect of Partial Root Zone Drying Subsurface Drip on the Environmental Factors of Potato Root-soil System by Reclaimed Water Irrigation 再生水分根交替滴灌对马铃薯根-土系统环境因子的影响研究
When soil water moves upwards from a water table to atmosphere during a period of less precipitation, the soluble salts in the groundwater are transported through the root zone up to the soil surface. 结果表明:在降雨量较少的时期内,当土壤水分从地下含水层向地表面移动的同时,地下水中含有的盐分也通过作物根区层向地表移动;
For most crops, potash should be applied before or during soil preparation so it is incorporated into the root zone shortly before planting. 对于绝大多数作物,钾肥应在整地前或整地期间施用,以便使钾肥能在种植前的短时间内与根层混合。
Research on Tolerance Evaluation and Physiological Mechanism of Kiwifruit Seedling to Root Zone Hypoxia 猕猴桃实生苗对根际低氧胁迫的抗性评价及抗性生理机制研究
Effects of Partial Root Zone Alternative Irrigation on Growth and Leaf Physiological Characteristics of Apple Trees 分根交替不同灌水量对苹果生长和叶片生理特性的影响
Fungal Community Structures in Root Zone of Dominant Vegetations of Different Layers in Pinus tabulaeformis Broad-leaved Mixed Forest in Qianshan by PCR-DGGE The Video Quality Assessment Model Based on Visual Perception and Structural Similarity 油松阔叶混交林不同层次优势植被根区土壤真菌的群落结构结合感知与结构失真信息的视频质量评价模型
Know how much water is needed to refill the root zone during irrigation and plan fertigation accordingly. 要了解在灌溉时灌满根区需要多少水,并据此来制定灌溉施肥计划。
Salt concentrations become very high in the dry areas between plants but not in the actual root zone. 在植株之间的干燥区域内,盐分含量变得很高,但是在根系区域内盐分并不高。
The accurate estimation of the model error and the observation error can decrease the soil moisture error in the surface layer, the root zone and the deep layer; ③模型误差和观测误差的准确估计可以提高土壤水分的估计精度;
Side-banding below the soil surface is the best method because it places the fertilizer in the root zone but not in direct contact with the seed. 而侧施在表土下面,由于肥料被置于根层,而又不直接和种子接触,因此是最好的方法。
Effects of different root zone irrigation modes on apple seedlings hydraulic resistance 根区不同灌溉方式对苹果幼苗水流阻力的影响
Effect of root zone structure on soil physical property of golf green 坪床结构对高尔夫果岭土壤物理性状的影响
The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling ( CCSD) project is designed to unravel the structure and composition of the root zone of a large-scale, ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt ( UHPM) between the North and South China blocks. CCSD工程旨在揭示位于北中国与南中国板块之间巨型超高压变质带的结构构造与物质组成。
Water Purification by Hydrophytes and Change of Microorganism in Root Zone and Water The Purification Functions of a Biological Cleaning Agent on Aquaculture Water of Chinese Mitten Crab 水生植物净化中微生物变化及净化效果研究一种生物净水剂对河蟹养殖水体水质净化效果研究
The Influence of Root Zone Temperature on Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Osmotic Adjustment in Muskmelon Leaves 根区温度对甜瓜幼苗膜脂过氧化和渗透调节物质的影响
Allelopathic effects of solution extracted from soil around Ailanthus altissima root zone on germination of Robinia pseudoacacia seeds 臭椿根区土壤水浸提液对刺槐种子发芽的影响
The constant flow of water from the trickle emitter toward the outer edges of the plant root zone carries the salt along with it. 来自滴头的稳定流量把水中的盐分带到植物根区的外缘。
Numerical Simulation for Root Zone Soil Moisture Movement of Apple Orchard under Rainfall-irrigation-evaporation 降雨灌溉蒸发条件下苹果园土壤水分运动数值模拟
In recent years, the use of chemigation has become a method to apply pesticides directly to the root zone of plant through trickle irrigation systems. 利用滴灌系统施用农药可以将农药直接作用到植物根区,这是节水农业和生态农业中一种先进的灌溉施药方法。
With the treatment of heating the root zone and adjusting the nitrogen form, the effect is more remarkable. 但同时对根际加温与氮素形态调整,则效果更明显。
Experiments of different root zone temperature treatments were carried out at seedling stage of cucumber in solar greenhouse. 试验对日光温室黄瓜幼苗进行了不同根区温度处理。
Effects of Root Zone Temperature on Growth and Physiological Metabolism of Crop 根区温度对作物生长和生理代谢的影响综述
The method for determining the threshold values of soil water content at the root zone is also presented. 也提出确定水分胁迫下根区土壤含水率阈值的方法。
The relationship between evaporation from groundwater and soil moisture suction beneath root zone is very well. 有作物条件下潜水蒸发与作物根系层下的土壤水吸力关系较好,提出了利用土壤水吸力计算有作物条件下潜水蒸发的方法。
A pot experiment was conducted to study the impacts of Cd and Pb pollution on soil microbes in tobacco root zone and the quality of tobacco leaves. 通过盆栽试验,研究了Cd和Pb污染对烤烟根区微生物和烟叶品质的影响。